This is a blog dedicated to having as much fun with Sims 2 as the game will allow. There are many alterations that can be done and additional content which can be found. This site is intended to help you find out how to unlock the game in whatever way you seem fit. This site is for adults only please. Prudes and children can pass on by. Have fun!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Movie Making

Camera Positions
Don't rely on the default camera positioning, while this angle is great for game play, it's not so interesting for filmaking within The Sims 2. Experiment with Cameraman mode by hitting the tab key. You'll get more dramatic angles that help you tell your story and really pull in your audience.

Explore the FOV (Field of Vision), zoom, and pitch controls with these handy key commands:
(+) / (-) and z / x - these control the Field of Vision
Mouse movement - controls the pitch (the tilt of the camera)
The scroll button on the mouse - controls the level of zoom

And here's som o ther handy tricks:
Tracking - right click on the Sim's thumbnail in the UI to have the camera follow them. This gives a great follow-cam action.

Centering - right click on an object or Sim to center the camera around it. You can then rotate around the object or move towards it to get a very cool effect.

Explore the boundaries of Cameraman mode, go to the edges of the game, get inside objects, use your creativity to find new angles.

When you find a favorite camera angle for your shot save it. You can save up to six different camera positions by using the control key and pressing numbers [4-9]. This can help you manipulate as scene as needed without losing that spectacular angle you found. You many also want to explore the motion between the different camera positions. This can help you achieve the right sense of motion for your shot.

List of useful camera controls

Tab key - enable Cameraman mode
In Cameraman mode:(+) / (-) and z / x - these control the Field of Vision
Mouse movement - controls the pitch (the tilt of the camera)
Scroll button on the mouse - controls the level of zoom

Other useful commands

V - start/stop the video recording
Control [4-9] - save camera angles
ASDW and the arrow keys will move you forwards, backwards, and sideways
< > will allow you to rotate the camera around a center point

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